Wednesday, July 13, 2022

King Kong and the disappointment of the real

There was a special kind of unique disappointment in discovering at age 12 that the most spectacular images of the 1970s King Kong - pictures that I'd been looking at my entire life  -were just concept artwork, and the real thing was bad giant animatrionics and some poor fuck in an ape suit jumping about.

The art, which was featured on the few King Kong bubblegum cards I somehow ended up with, made it look like the most amazing film in the world. It wasn't.

I was only one when the film was released, so who knows where I got those cards, (I think I have to blame poor Uncle Sol) but they have always been with me, and I still have them now. And every time I see them, they're still absolutely breathtaking. It's been 35 years since I found out the truth and that truth is still gutting, because I still desperately want to see the film these pictures promised.

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