Saturday, December 17, 2022

Ezquerra es para siempre

It remains the Galaxy's Greatest Comic, but 2000ad is now missing a vital ingredient with no more Carlos Ezquerra art. He was the best comic artist 2000ad ever produced and I miss him every time a new issue is on the shelves.

Fortunately, as much as he was so good, he was also always so prolific. There might not be any more real Strontium Dog coming, but even after all these years, I'm still stumbling across some Ezquerra in a poster prog or a cover for one of the laters Best of 2000ad Monthly issues I never saw at the time.

Finding each one is a treasure, and I hope I never run out of them. I don't go looking for them, and just let them appear as tiny surprises. I can use some of those little happy surprises in this world without an Ezquerra.

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