Thursday, June 2, 2022

D'lines of D'Israeli

The NeoText Review website has stopped publishing new essays about the best in comics and movies and that's a real tragedy, because it gave the kind of weird perspectives on idiosyncratic art that I need in my life.

I still got in there before they closed off the door and turned out the lights (hopefully the archive will stand in one form or another for a while yet), and got to write something about how important D'israeli comics mean to me, even if it took me a while to see his influence.

All issues of 2000ad are better with some D'Israeli in them. He is blazing a shining new path on the comic page and I spent hundreds of words trying to explain why here.

The thing I really liked about writing for Neotext was having a serious editor like Chloe Maveal who made me write better. I can throw out any old rubbish on the blog, because it's a one-man band and I can do whatever the fuck I want, but to be challenged to write something better, then really breaking your brain to do it, and then getting a real result, that's the best, man.

Hopefully I'll do some more of this kind of thing, but I also treasure the fact that I got the chance to say something about Scream! and comics by Jaime Hernandez, Marty Emond, Evan Dorkin and a bunch of others for an audience a little bit bigger than the Tearoom. For as long as it lasted.

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