Thursday, December 28, 2023

This will always be the Tearoom of Despair: Writing about books, music and other weird shit

The day we saw the Loch Ness Monster

I only drink at funerals now

Wold Newman (or: The Ubiquitous Doctor Shade)


The secret origin of the Tearoom of Despair

I'm not a foodie, but I'm up for anything

Me and Robert Smith

This marriage is getting dorkier by the day

How to find new music: No context, all feeling

I still think digital watches are neat

Happy to be the token boy

Faith No More: Do you often sing or whistle, just for fun?

No fear like a nuclear fear

I have very strong opinions about pies

Life inside the Kiwi culture clash

Music videos in the dead of night

Tying the world together (and getting your end away) with Philip Jose Farmer

Wrestling with Superstars

I was a teenaged arsehole

True Stories

Paperbacks From Hell: The sweet smell of rot

Pulp: Catch us at it, in the front room

No time for computer games

Old toys are the best toys

This lack of bookshop is bad for everybody

Spider solitaire: You have to cheat to win

Censorship can really fuck you up

Iron Maiden: Barren wastes and decaying grins

Lament for an Empire

Writing about writing: Everything I've ever done, everything I ever do

Baird's Bookshop was the best bookshop

Mothmen and missing girls: When the mysteries were just down the road

The ancient and lovely shelving of Skara Brae

Fred Dagg's Meaning Of Life

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