Sunday, November 7, 2021

We never lost control

Nirvana's performance of The Man Who Sold The World at their Unplugged gig broke my fucking heart. After Cobain's death, it felt like a clarion call out into a cold and dark universe, and those deep bass grooves just held wasted potential, infinite possibilities reduced down to one.

It was one of the most emotional things I had ever heard when I was 19, and I played it so much over the next two decades I thought I'd broke it. When it came on the radio, it didn't bite anymore. It was worse than hating it or getting sick of it, I just stopped giving a shit

But then it came on the CD player while I was driving into work the other day and it turns out I was wrong, and it's just as goddamned heartbreaking as ever. 

That final call out into the universe at the end of the song still sounds so inescapably lonely, but there is an answer and we can actually join together in perfect fucking harmony, if we can talk to creation like that.

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