Monday, March 10, 2025

I thought we were past this shit

The older I get, the more I get fucked off with Generation X. It's my generation, even if I came up on it late. But it's so dispiriting to see all the ironic nihilism turn into dull apathy, and the older we get, the more we turn into our goddamn parents, with the same old stupid bigotries. 

Look at the perilous nonsense our trans siblings put up with every day, it's fucking heart-breaking. I thought we sorted out this shit in the 90s, but here we still are, with very stupid people questioning matters of personal liberty that were settled and proven to be right so long ago. It's none of your goddamn business what gender your neighbor identifies as, and your prejudices just make you the neighborhood dickhead. 

I remember reading an interview with somebody a long time ago -  I can't remember who it was or what it was about, but it was sometime in the early 90s and they were saying how Hollywood's stabs at queer representation were not working because so few of them resisted the temptation to make somebody's sexuality their only defining trait, and you couldn't have a regular arsehole character who was gay and was just a natural born arsehole.

And it felt like we got there in the end, where it was No Big Deal how somebody identifies, and you can just get on with things without focusing on one aspect of a complicated human being. 

And yet, it turns out that time really is a flat circle, and the same shit just keeps coming around. Now the same old morons are back with the arguments about gender and freedom, reducing insanely complex issues to simple soundbites, and trampling on the people who just want to fucking love and live. 

Make no mistake - anti-trans arguments are facile and pathetic. The people who spout them show their ignorance on their smug mugs. Their reasoning is infantile and their prejudices are obvious. The world is clearly a better place when people are free to be their true selves, they make it brighter and more colorful, and that's good for fucking everybody. And their choices are their own, and should never be stomped upon by bigots who fear change so much their hearts have atrophied. 

It's fucking ridiculous that these things even need to be said. How are we ever going to advance as a species if we keep having to overcome the same dumb bullshit? 

Gen X has been leaning hard on the fascism in recent years,  and while it might be facile to blame the movies, there is s small part of me that thinks more people should have watched the Thin Red Line instead of Fight Club back in 1999, and spent more time appreciating nature than moaning about how the world doesn't care about them.

I truly thought we were past the inane bigotries and that the 90s club kids kicked them all to the curb, but that was foolishly naïve. All I can do it feel the shame of my generation turning its back on the poor and unfortunate, and refuse to turn my own.

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