Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Still got time for The Flash

Even though I thought I got over The Flash a long time ago, sometimes he still comes in and sweeps me along in his wake.

I was always a Wally West kid, and still have every Flash comic Mark Waid did in the 90s. I genuinely care about Wally and Linda and the whole damn Flash family.

I drifted away after that, and was not on board with Barry's return. It's been years now and I still feel that Wally was done dirty, especially with his inexplicable tragedy in the catastrophic Heroes In Crisis.

I saw he was Metron or Dr Manhattan or something for a while, and kinda lost track again, but then I read the latest trade paperback of his most recent adventures by writer Jeremy Adams and chums, and even though I've deeply fallen out of touch with the great DC lore, I enjoyed the hell out of it..

Because it's just basic Flash comics, and sometimes that's all I need.  There's still too many overblown lightning effects for my tastes, but in the latest chapter Wally is just Wally, with a couple of kids and another on the way, and his partnership with Linda is sitll a thing, and still deeply endearing. 

She gets some speed powers again in this one - I think it's the third time that's happened, but it's always nice to see her take on Wally at his own game, even though she never needed the Speed Force to be his equal.

Barry is still out there, off doing JLA things, but Wally has a life, one well earned and well deserved. Nobody needed to blow up his whole world to generate conflict in his life, because nobody needed to see Wally down on his knees. He's no fun if he's not running.

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