Wednesday, December 21, 2022

No choice but the worst picture

For a long while there, it was so very cool how our TV at home kept automatically turning itself into display mode, with horrible garish colours and the dreaded motion smoothing, and there was no simple way to turn it off, so everything I watched - from cheap, moody and intense horrors to blockbusters with astronomical budgets - looks like a filmed school play, and I tried the dozen different ways the Google brain suggested to fix it and none of them worked in the slightest,  until I somehow fucked about with it and fixed it. That's how my technical stuff usually works out.

I was cool because maybe all televisions will one day follow in the footsteps of our fuckwit TV, and all those hardworking cinematographers can just take a bit easier, secure in the knowledge that everything they produce will just look like utter dogshit on screen thanks to the morons who have designed them this way, so why bother?

I fucking love dumb technology. It's the best.

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