Thursday, February 17, 2022

The hipster runs at night

It was somewhere in the mid 90s, and I'd just moved back to my home town for a little while, just to get my young person bullshit together, and was absolutely delighted to see the library had a copy of Alan Moore's Voice of the Fire novel, which I devoured in two days.

And then one night I'm driving around the streets, and they're empty in a particular late-night weekday way, and on corner after corner, I kept seeing those monstrous black dogs out of the corner of my eye.

I didn't look too hard and I'm 97% sure they were just rubbish bags, or some kind or other optical illusion, but they sure looked like big black fucking dogs to me. 

I was also listening to the Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me soundtrack on the walkman a lot at that age. I was well aware that the black dog runs at night.

The other night I was driving around late at night in my new home town and it was something different - all I saw were hipsters in man-buns vaping on the corner. 

Black dogs are ancient, but these dudes are ghost figures of the 21st century, waiting for their phantom ride-shares.

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