Saturday, July 29, 2023

The keys are in my hand!

I don't know if this is just normal, but I always have to check things a dozen times before I leave the house, or I'll be thinking about it all fucking day. 

I have to repeatedly make sure all the windows are shut; and I have to keep checking that my wallet and my phone and other such sundries are on me; and I have to make a conscious effort to ensure I did lock the door, and didn't just wander off in my usual haze and leave the house unlocked.

So every time - every single time - I lock the front door in the house, I consciously think 'the keys in my hand' before I pulled the door closed, and I always flash to the part in Fight Club where Edward Norton realises that if Tyler Durden has a gun, then the gun is really in his hands.

The one time I didn't think about that, I did fucking lock those keys inside and that became a whole mission. So I think I'll stick with thinking about that wonderful look on Norton's face, that one when he works out what really is in his hand, before I ever pull the door shut.

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