Thursday, June 6, 2024

Bad posts

Since the Tearoom of Despair became a daily operation a few years ago, I've talked a huge amount of shit. There's no time to worry if something barely makes sense, or if I feel I'm not quite making whatever inane point I was trying to make, or if I'm just repeating some old bollocks I talked about eight years ago, I just publish and be damned.

To keep ahead of the daily grind, I make notes and start drafts in blogger, and there has been a few hundred of them sitting there for some time, with some drafts that haven't been touched in five years.

And there are many, many stupid ideas for blog posts in there, so I've been going through and cleaning them out, and even with daily deadlines, the world is a better place without them. 

For instance, nobody needs to know the insufferable smugness of how I deal with helping homeless people on the streets in a world without cash, and there are half-written posts about the works of comics creators like Warren Ellis and Cameron Stewart that can safely be deleted, because who gives a fuck about them and their awful actions anymore? 

And some of it so fucking basic I don't have anything new to say - what can I say about never really getting into R Crumb's comics that hasn't already been said by smarter and sexier people than me?

Some of it is a failure on my part, because I have a vague idea that I can't put into words properly, like the weird way well-dressed men in animal masks really, really freak me out, or how the Ang Lee Hulk movie genuinely made me feel like anything was possible in cinema. But most of it is just too dumb, even by the low standards of the blog.

Some of them can be dragged back into life - tomorrow's post was sitting there since 2019 before I dusted it off for use this week - but most of it is just trash

So I'm been slamming the delete button in the background, and getting rid of all the rubbish. Now I have a scant 169 drafts sitting there, which should get me through next week, at least.

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