Saturday, April 23, 2022

Bam. Pow. Zowie.

The 2003 Daredevil film was an incredibly clumsy attempt to capture the vibe of the best stories about the Man Without Fear. It didn't work for a lot of reasons, but one that has become blatantly obvious is that despite the grim and gritty goal, they're still doing a sound mix in the tradition of the sixties Batman show

If you put this movie on and listen to it with a 21st century ear, it soon becomes painfully obvious - every single movement by any of the characters has some kind of sound effect going on. Sometime it's quite subtle, but it's always there and one once you hear it, you can't stop. Even a couple of years into the 21st century, the Batman TV show's cultural idea of how superhero comics was still seeping through.

Good foley is so important, and the Marvel movies quickly figured this out, grounding the sounds in the real world. They can still have soaring scores and the solid crunch of a good punch, but don't need a huge 'ZING!' every time Cap draws his shield.

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