Saturday, August 3, 2024

I can't Get Back

Like everyone else who grew up in the late 20th century, I fucking love the Beatles. All those gorgeous melodies, all that grand ambition. They really did change the world, man. And those four chancers from Liverpool gave us tunes that will be played and listened to and enjoyed for as long as human beings exist in this universe.

But I still can not sit through more than 10 minutes of the Get Back thing before fading out. We finally caved and got Disney+ recently - almost entirely because I just wanted to watch the new Doctor Who - and I keep trying to give Get Back a chance, but I just can't do it. 

I really do appreciate all the work that's gone into stitching it together, and the parts when those immortal songs emerge from the noodling whims of the band are always impressive, but I just don't need to see the fab four mumble and moan about the creation of it all.

I don't feel like I'm getting any really any huge insight into the creative process, and it all feels like a DVD extra that got out of control. And Beatles tunes aren't maths exams, I don't need to see the working, I just want to listen to the glorious results.

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