Saturday, August 19, 2023

I'd give anything to see those old comic shops again

I literally dream about old comic shops that I went to when I was younger, places that were so massively exciting to me when I was a teenager that they're still bubbling up from the unconsciousness even now.

I would give anything to see photos of them - of the first one I ever went to, opposite the Dunedin railway station; or the one on the corner of Cashel Mall in Christchurch, because those were the places that were the most amazing things in the world to me at the time. But now I can't even find their names.

At least I've got the pic of Bag End Books up above. That was my local for five years in the mid-90s and I spent so much time there, I'm sure I can my ghost hanging around that middle shelf, looking for the latest Love and Rockets.

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