Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Lost in the library: Superman - Up in the Sky

Tom King's superhero comics are perpetually on the edge of flying right up their own ass. Sometimes they do go all the way up in there and that's not pretty for anyone, but he mostly maintains the balancing line in orbit around the anus.

But give him the chance to write a Superman story outside the endless grind of the monthly continuity, with the simplest of motivations - just save a little girl, and that's all that matters - and then give him a shit-hot superhero artist like Andy Kubert and permission to go ap with all the toys in the Dc sandbox, and you get Up In The Sky. 

It gets worringly pretentious, but that tight focus keeps it going on, especially when there is no fear the book is going to end with a 'to be continued'. I haven't read any of the regular Superman comics for 10 years, but I can never resist a Superman comic that isn't afraid of an end.


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