Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Shaun of the Dead: There they are

In all the enthusiasm and charm of Shaun of the Dead, so many of the gigs zip past, like the part where Simon Pegg is looking through the letterbox of his tiny, shitty little flat into the outside world, and he sees no zombies, declares it all clear, then looks slightly to the right and there is a whole fuck-tonne of them.

It's a tiny moment in the movie, quickly shooting by, but it's a great little joke that could only work in movies, using the perspective of the camera to comic effect, and balanced out by the quiet absurdity of Pegg's delivery. 

Eager to please in their first real movie, Edgar Wright and his chums never failed to use the opportunity to get in a quick gag in Shaun of the Dead, and getting a decent one out of the usual 'checking if the way is clear' is some kind of mad genius.

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