Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Boondock Saints taught me everything I needed to know about life

You should never turn your back on anybody who says the Boondock Saints is their favourite movie, but even derivative trash can make a good point or two. And there is one moment in one of these movies - I honestly can't remember if it was the original or the later sequel - where the titular hitmen go on a big rant full of bullshit, with one point that always stuck with me.

It's when they say that no, they don't want to talk about their feelings. Not because they're bottled up inside or anything, but because it's none of your fucking business how they feel.

And while it may be wildly hypocritical to think this is a good point when I've spent the past 16 goddamn years writing this blog, and regurgitating any damn thought that comes into my crowded head. But I've really only touched on a tiny fraction of my true feelings about life, the universe and everything, and I remain quite happy to keep most of that to myself.

Because it ain't anybody else's fuckin' business.

The lesson learned: They're my feelings, and I don't have to share them with anybody I don't want to.

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