Friday, November 29, 2024

30 days of comics I love #29: This is me, doing what I do.

Jupiter's Legacy: Finale #1 
By Mark Millar and Tommy Lee Edwards 

Despite an embarrassingly long appreciation for what he actually does with his stores, I fell behind on my Mark Millar comics a long time ago, and haven't really caught up with the last dozen series he's put out. I imagine they're the same as ever, with the protagonist getting the shit kicked out of them to brutal degrees, before pulling some kind of crazy victory out of their arses. That's how they all go.

But I have stayed on board with the Jupiter's Legacy business, because it's simply got the best superhero art in current comics. 

It's not like I give a damn about the big, ambitious plot - I certainly have never been tempted to check out the TV version - but the series started with Frank Quitely's typical genius, and is being finished off with some dynamite work by Tommy Lee Edwards.

When so many of the big superhero comics are still chasing that thin-lined, cross-hatched overkill that was cool 30 years ago, Edwards' work on this comic is extraordinarily idiosyncratic, with huge action scenes that border on the abstract, without ever losing storytelling cohesion. A use of colour that is bold and bright and utterly modern, but with real heft and a strong line beneath it.

Just look at this!

I usually don't know what Mark Millar is talking about these days, but when he gives artists things like this to draw, I'll always be on board.

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