Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Through the Black Hole

I only saw The Black Hole once when I was a little kid, and watching it again for the first time in 40 years, I found I remembered a lot more than I thought - the design of those robots, the incredibly dull laser fights, that huge ball of fire rolling down the massive corridor towards our heroes.

But I had absolutely no memory of what happened when everybody fell into the actual black hole at the end, and the villain merges with his robot and ends up in some hell dimension, while the heroes are guided by a literal angel to a shining new world

It's striking imagery that never took hold in my head for some reason, but now I can't help wondering what other existential trips are waiting at the end of other films I saw as a kid. Do things get metaphysical at the climax of  Herbie Goes Bananas? Does the Black Stallion end with the horse contemplating its own short existence? Further research is needed.

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