Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Get Burrows

Good comic art makes life so much better, and it's always an absolute pleasure when the work of an artist that has previously left you cold work finally clicks with you.

My most recent example of this has been Jacen Burrows. I've never really been a fan - he was one of the artists who first really came to attention with his work on Avatar, the comics company with the worst art direction in the history of the medium, and even fine work on comics like Necronomicon or on various Marvel things was never thrilling to me. His line too thin, too empty, too static.

But I think his current work on Get Fury, the latest Punisher/Fury storyline from Garth Ennis, is fucking excellent. Even compared to his earlier art on the same character with the same writer, it's taken a step forward, with a much thicker line and a loosening in his figurework that gives everything a whole lot more vitality.

I don't know if this is a conscious decision on the artist's part, or can be attributed to the inking work of Guillermo Ortego, but the end result gives me a new appreciation of his art, and seeing the violence of Frank Castle in such clarity does actually make life better.

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