Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I still don't know what Force Works means

After brief dalliances with the title - mainly Byrne-related - I somehow got invested in Avengers West Coast just before it ended, and followed it right into its next iteration as Force Works. 

But the new comic just wasn't for me, even with talented creators on board (and I hated how they tried to go for shock value by killing off Wonder Man in the first issue, because that was never going to last - Wonder Man is easily the easiest Avenger to bring back from the dead), and I bailed after the third issue.

But one thing I've never actually got my head around, and something I still don't understand to this day, is what the hell the name Force Works actually means.

Is it a pun? Is it some kind of play on words? Are they just saying that force is something that works in superhero battles? Is it some kind of twist on the Avengers name?

It bugged the shit out of me, and still does to a tiny degree. I always think I've got over my early nineties obsessions, but I don't always make it.

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