Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Seeking thrillpower in every bookstore

I might have broken my complete collection of 2000ad by moving to a town that doesn't sell it, but I am honestly enjoying how much it gives me something to hunt for.

The galaxy's greatest comic used to be everywhere around here, but it's actually hard to find these days, so I just keep looking and buying it where I can. Every dairy, every bookstore, every grocery store. You never know, and I haven't been this driven to look at every meagre magazine rack since I started buying at comic book stores in the 90s.

The last couple of issues I found were at a Paper Plus in Cromwell. Cromwell! A small central Otago town that is now good for something more than getting submerged in a lake, because there is thrillpower lurking in those hills.

(Of course I could get it through the website, but there's no fun in that. There never really is.)

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