Thursday, May 18, 2023

Have a sook!

It's just another stupid Simpsons meme - one of thousands and thousands that have been produced in the decades the cartoon series has run - but it's absolutely one of my very favourites, because it actually helps me deal with some of the rotten bullshit in this world.

I had to deal with some terf-related nonsense at work recently and I just couldn't back down on it, because that shit is everywhere and you can't capitulate to bigots - they're never fucking satisfied. We're at one of those periods of time when all the hateful fucks are crawling out of the woodwork to blame somebody else for their own crushing inadequacies, and you just have to say no to that shit.

I have no time for it, and will always stand by my trans brothers and sisters and others. That's really easy, because they're fucking decent and cool people to stand with.

I really don't know the best way to deal with the smooth-brained motherfuckers who spew hate at them, other than ignore them and refuse to give in to their insane demands. It's also such loser shit, and the only way to deal with loser shit is to mock it and laugh at it, which is also really easy because it's loser shit.

And I literally can't think of a better way to describe that feeling, than this pic from the Simpsons, of an Australian who doesn't give a fuck what the wankers want. Tell 'em to go have a sook, and get on with your life. It's an excellent piece of advice, which I am utilising on a daily basis.

I'm happy enough out here on my inflatable of righteousness. I might be floating in the sun, but I'm not giving them a fucking inch.

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