Thursday, April 20, 2023

Always take it easy with the backing out


When people talk about movies influencing behaviour, it's because they're trying to find an easy excuse for something that has happened in the real world - somebody is only a killer because he watched Childs Play 3 and that is a far easier thing to blame than the whole big mess that is modern society. 

But it can also influence behaviour in tiny ways that don't really mean anything, except they stop you from doing stupid hit. They can make you think about something you do every day, and consider how it could all go horribly wrong.

So I've only see Adaptation a couple of times, but I think about that car crash when Chris Cooper backs out of his driveway every time I reverse the car away from our own house. I always take it super slow until I'm absolutely sure we're clear, and then we move. 

Because every single time I'm thinking about that crash from the movie - that suddenness, that horror that comes from casually chatting with family only to cut to the awful silence afterwards.

Even before I started ferrying our young children around on a daily basis, I was taking it slow. And I'll take it slow every time.

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