Tuesday, December 20, 2022

I need more than the keys

I let some Youtube videos play in the background while I do dumb stuff, but if I can use that time to suck up some information about ancient civilizations or space stuff or some old musical genre I never knew anything about, it all makes it just a bit easier.

But I've given up trying to find videos about people enjoying comic books, because I just keep getting sucked into talk about key issues and investments, and I stopped scaring about that when I was 17.

I don't care about the comic books that are worth the big bucks. I don't care about first appearances of the latest random shlub to show up on a Marvel TV show, and I really don't fucking care about CGC gradings. None of my comics - some worth hundreds of dollars, apparently - are in bags, because I never read them when they were in bags.

I just want to find the people who are passionate about the weird things they find, or are searching for that one last issue of Brave and Bold to get, or are celebrating because they're just got the last issue of 100 Bullets to get. I don't have to be into the thing they're into - Azzarello never did it for me, man - but I ache to see that kind of excitement mirrored in others.

I'm sure they're out there, but when it comes to the recommendations, it's always just about the money. The people who make these videos all seem like lovely people and do seem to genuinely love their comic books, often denying easy money in favour of their own collections, but it's all about the investment, not the joy.

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