Thursday, October 13, 2022

What happened to Artie Tito?!?

The first Star Wars came out when I was two years old, so it was always there, always a part of my world. And while I am determined that my kids will find their own weird obsessions to wrap their tiny heads around, they're bound to fall for some of the same things that entranced my young brain, with all the shit I've got lying around the place.

Right now, the three year old is all about R2-D2. She got hold of a little Artoo toy that makes all the good beeps and she thinks it is just the bee's knees. She was also exposed to a BB-8, but didn't give a good goddamn about that one - there's just something about the bright blue and reliable, solid and dependable dustbin shape of the original droid that still resonates with young kids.

So she's all about the Artie Tito and was keen for more and we had the first movie on, because that has the most Artoo action - shuffling the droid off to the sidelines in the most recent movies was just mean.

And while most of the movie was unable to keep her attention away from other important things like unicorn dolls and jigsaws dinosaur toys, Star Wars has still got it, because she lost her shit with excitement when the Jawas ambushed the droid. 

After swift reassurances that the little guy was okay and just having a robot sleep, we had to go back and watch the scene a few more times, with primal thrills in the slow build-up, and sudden attack. 

The world of Star Wars can seem like a miserable place in many places of the internet, but if it can still stir up new and exciting emotions in a little kid's heart like that, it can't be all bad.

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