Friday, October 7, 2022

Cheap movies with Johnny Cool


I was always such a fuckin' snob about watching movies on Youtube, but after hearing Tarantino rave in several different podcast and interviews about the crazy old shit he watches on that platform, I got right into it. 

Because the geek is so right - there is so much old film, and it's fantastic. You can't find everything that was made - I had hopes earlier this week that a certain French classic might be there, but no luck. And you can go searching for something particular for hour and come up short, but there are so many old films, that you can still stumble across after some minor searching.

Who knows if they're even in copyright, but they're there for everybody. You don't have to belong to an strange video store full of obscure tapes or anything, you can watch this stuff from almost anywhere in the world. 

YouTube has been criminally irresponsible in many of its business dealings and there is definite harm produced by unchecked fuckery right across the platform. But that's why they gave us 'block' buttons, and it is possible to use it without condoning or even acknowledging all that other shit.

And now you can hear about the weirdest old movie in a podcast and five minutes later you are watching the damn thing, and that still blows my mind..

So you can celebrate the great career of Henry Silva, who was fucking fantastic in so many films - he was monumental in Ghost Dog, the dead-pan genius of his Bullshit Or Not is immortal, and he played the bad guy is every second thing made in the 70s and 80s. And when my pal Nik told me i had to check out Johnny Cool, it was right there, and could get into it.

You should too. I can't say anything more about it because the joy of the film is in its many, many pleasant surprises, plus it's fucking hardcore. There are worse ways to spend a Friday night.

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