Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The games I played: Digging like demented moles

The endless worlds of MMORPGs did nothing for me - I've never had any desire to join any kind of clan or group. I just don't want to play against stroppy teenagers on the far side of the world.

But once the consoles came out, and after I'd already fallen into playing on my own all night long, I also found the absolute pleasures of getting in a few beers, some pizzas and some pot, and playing some games with my best mates for hours on end.

We were all trying to be the best at Jonah Lomu Rugby, (which wasn't hard, the way to win that game was to play as New Zealand, pass the ball out to Jonah every time and fend fend fend), but the best games when all about the same skills level, and anybody could win.

Goldenye on the N64 was a revelation with its four screens, and was so easy to pick up that everyone was on the same skill level quickly, all trying to get that bulletproof vets that would give you more protection in a straight shoot-out.

And a few years later, around the turn of the century, there would be giant battle royales with the wrestling games, with all sorts of cords streaming across the floors of our flats.

Video gaming is usually a solitary thing for me, a way to switch off from the world for a while. But while I still can't be bothered dealing with anything that has thousands of participants, a small group of good mates was always a guarantee for a good time.

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