Thursday, August 25, 2022

Where the art comes from

Among their other acts of utter barbarity, the fuck-knuckles in charge of the UK right now are determined to destroy arts funding. This is because they have no souls and are very fucking stupid.

A few decades ago, there was a weird little golden age of the art labs in Britain, where people from all sorts of backgrounds were given opportunities to create their own art. It's where monumental talents like Alan Moore and Clive Barker found their voices, where much of the British comic talent that shook up the world in the 1980s first got their hands dirty and were encouraged to push their imaginations, and met other people that could work with and collaborate on new ideas.

The return on investment was absolutely massive, not just culturally but financially. A lot of these working class louts produced sublime art that still finds a massive audience, the ideas that drifted out of dope hazes in Birmingham and Bristol forming the basis of multi-million dollar franchises.

Of course, the artists did what artists always do, and made fun of all the right people and all the right institutions and these precious little bastards hated them for it, and still hate them. Arts funding always gets a kicking when these kind of people get into power because that's the only way they know how to deal with people who can mock them into submission.

The UK somehow ended up with a shambling parody of a human being like Boris Johnson as its leader, and the remarkable self-harm of Brexit is still biting, but this is a global issue. Strangling the arts in a single country hurts everyone everywhere, because we're all denied the next generation of new voices which come from unexpected directions, and left with the same old regurgitations. Just leave the arts alone, you stupid fucking toffs.

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