Monday, July 11, 2022

Fuck you, fuck you very much


The Tearoom of Despair is dedicated to the weightless entertainments of modern pop culture, and the way I consume them.  And while I keep the politics out of it as much has possible, there is something I have to say to anybody who thinks they have the right to control somebody else's ability get an abortion or change their gender.

It shouldn't have to be said, because the simple answer is that somebody else's bodily autonomy is nobody's fucking business but their own, but it seems there are some people who can't grasp this very basic concept.

And this all applies equally to all the predators and racists and fucknuts and sexists and shitheels that think the tiny thrills they get from their big bang bang guns are worth the literal masses of dead children they create.

And I can say it here because this is my fucking blog and I can say whatever I want on it. Normal service will resume tomorrow with some shit about 2000ad or Batman or something. Besides, all that pop culture inhalation has given me a lot of great swear words to use, so it would be criminal to waste them.

So fuck you, you fucking cunts. 

I ain't going to fat shame or body shame you or anything like that, because that's just too easy and you can't help the fact you were born with no chin because the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress. But I will hate your repugnantly adolescent ideas about control and power forever

Abortion and gender issues are the most intensely personal things anybody can ever deal with, so put your creepy goddamn magnifying glasses away and let them get on with it in their own way. We're all fucking different, and we all fuck differently, and the blunt laws you try to force on the rest of us are replete with the vile hatred in your heart, hatred that you spit out at everyone around you.

You are empty-headed animal food trough wipers, and are genuine death cultists who laughably call yourselves pro-life - even though literally all the evidence in the world shows that these things you are trying to stop are going to happen anyway, it's just that a lot of people are going to suffer and die now.

Why are we still arguing this basic shit, which is actively holding the human race back from reaching its potential? The stink of your self-righteousness overpowers any benefits you think there are, and leave you looking like someone who is ethically somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty. 

You are intellectually retarded, morally reprehensible, vulgar, insensitive, selfish and stupid. You have no taste and a lousy sense of humour and you're not even interesting enough to make me sick.

How do you watch the same movies and TV that everyone else does, full of stories preaching tolerance and self respect and all that good shit, and learn all the wrong lessons? You've got a hard-on for the Punisher, but he fucking hates bullies and you're more likely to be in his goddamn crosshairs.

But you won't even acknowledge this stupidity, and that's what really make you look like a fucking rube. That's the side you want to show the world, you fucking dullard?

You think you're thought leaders and smart people, talking about the big issues, but the rest of the world don’t give a tuppeny fuck about your moral conundrums, you meat-headed shit sacks.

You think the invisible sky wizard you claim to worship will be happy by the more hatred you throw at people who don't think like you, but he's not going to want your soul. Your soul is dogshit. Every single fucking thing about you is ugly.  

You are the enemy of all that is good, and if you can't see the pain you're causing by then yo uare a bone-ignorant fucktard. We are talking about some basic ideas of humanity, you shit-stains, and if you can't wrap your rotten and diseased minds around that, then maybe you should drink a great big fucking bowl of shut the fuck up.

It's wearying that we have to put up with your shit, your intellectual stagnation dragging us back into the stinking mud, when we could be reaching for the motherfucking stars.

But no, you're so fucking stupid you think you can legislate human behaviour, when people are going to get abortions or whatever the fuck they want from wherever they can. 

I would call you a child ,but I have far more respect for all the kids in the world, than you daft gits. Kids don't lickspittle to fascists, or take all their news from one source like a total dipshit. Your mind is so narrow it would crush the shit out of the cyclops in Krull.

You are right minging, a chicken-humping rapscallifuck, ignoring the hard facts in favour of a glowing and utterly false fantasy.

And it's not a matter of decorum - suck my sweaty balls, you odious toad. Politeness, like respect, should be earned, one way or the other, and you have took many entries in the deplorable side of the moral balance sheet.

I stand with every person with a womb which is now no longer their own in the eyes of the state. I stand with my trans brothers and sisters and others, and am constantly appalled at the harmful nonsense they have to endure every single day just for existing. 

I believe you and and everyone you know has a right to say no to other monsters' reprehensible ideas about what you do with your own body. It's nobody's fucking business but your own. Do what you will, I love you all.

You other fuckers -  you can all get fucked.

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