Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lost in the library: Crisis Zone

It's a book that is all about 2020 and the dread of those early months of Covid quickly blossoming into a full-blown global pandemic, but Simon Hanselmann's brilliant Crisis Zone is still undoubtedly my favourite comic of 2021. It's an absolute epic of depravity with exquisite comic timing, with emotional depths still visible in the tsunami of jizz and shit.

I've inhaled all of Hanselmann's comics in the past couple of years, but the dude can still floor you with something like a werewolf in jail reverting back to human form, or the part where Jones takes one for the team with a tactical use of blackface, handled with a breath-taking amount of skill. It's the kind of book where a sympathetic bout of sodomy in the front room is just kinda moving.

It's still grim as fuck - there are suicide attempts and hideous sexual encounters and people who have got nothing left, but Hanselmann can't hide the sweetness behind all the anal action. Characters switch genders and it's no big fuckin' deal, the most unlikeliest of families form in the chaos and the relationships all have depth to them, even if they all hate each other's fucking guts. When things are at their worst, decency and kindness are still rewarded.

It's just stunning comics - Hanselmann's art is still as pleasent and inviting as ever, which makes all the perversions even sharper, but that whole other level beneath that, of goodwill to all, is always lurking. Probably in the bushes. While having a wank.

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