Wednesday, April 21, 2021

That's still Incredible!

There were only two TV channels when I was a kid so I would take what I could get. But that wasn't why I was obsessed with That's Incredible and never missed an episode. And it wasn't just because every episode was full of heart-pounding stunts and features about weird nature and occasional ghost stories, all presented by the slickest presenting crew in modern television.

I was just absolutely fascinated that people who wrote in got a box - a whole box - of That's Incredible books to share with friends and family. I wanted to read just one of those books so bad, but the luxury of a box of the things was staggering for this kid. 

I never wrote in, because in those days New Zealand was culturally years away from anywhere else, and even at that age I knew a TV studio would never stump up the postage to ship that beautiful box all around the world. But a kid could still dream.

They also tried to make a local version and called it 'That's Fairly Interesting'. It was not quite the same.

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