Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sonic screwdriver to the heart: Right here, right now

There are a hundred other moments in modern Doctor Who that have got me right in the feels, but I'll end this week with the most recent, and one that isn't even an actual part of the show. It's this message:

Despite grasping the role of the first female Doctor or all its worth, Jodie Whittaker hasn't had as many moments as her previous incarnations that sparked a real emotional reaction, but there was something about this silly little video that came out recently that really got to me.

I know it's bloody stupid, but there's still a part of me that thinks the Doctor is real, and that I'll walk around a corner one day and the TARDIS will be standing there, but I haven't really felt that in a long time, until she sends us a message on how to get through the current pandemic nightmare.

And when everything actually is scary, and the future is horribly unknown, just having somebody remind you that you'll get through this and things will be all right - and that you need to make some bad jokes - is all you need.

Thank you, Doctor. I'll see you again soon.

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