Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sonic screwdriver to the heart: Right at you

It's not just the holographic message that the Ninth Doctor gives to Rose, as he faces certain death in his latest battle against the Daleks, and sends Rose back to the safety in her mundane life with her mundane family. It's not just the words he says, telling her to live, and leave the TARDIS to die, and to have a fantastic life.

It's the direct look the hologram gives her, showing that the Doctor always knew he would have to leave this message one day, and that he always knew where Rose would be standing at that exact moment. And his voice comes through loud and clear, and maybe it's all just the way Rose is seeing it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

It's crushing, taking a simple message that was just a little too impersonal and making it something heartfelt and honest. All with a simple look.

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