Sunday, December 8, 2019

Bolland's Joker: The grin, the chin and the madness

While his Judge Dredd covers will always be the best judge Dredd covers, Brian Bolland was born to draw the Joker. The Killing Joke hasn't held up that well as a story, but art is still perfect, even if they keep messing aorund the gloriously garish colouring. The madness of Bolland's Joker is unsurpassed, just on the right side of caricature, and on the right side of lunacy.

I'll take one Bolland Joker over a dozen standalone movies featuring the character. Any day.

1 comment:

  1. I keep forgetting to mention this to you - excellent Killing Joke and (I'm guessing) other Bolland references in this: One of my favourite Y'toobers!
