Saturday, May 7, 2011

31 Days of Comics #7

Captain America/Thor: The Mighty Fighting Avengers #1
by Roger Langridge and Chris Samnes

Today was the first day I ever managed to get into a comic shop on the Free Comic Book Day and actually get something for nothing. I'd tried before and failed spectacularly to get anything - I did end up wandering around the comic shops of London on the 2009 day, but was too late to actually get anything.

There were no excuses this year – but after years of reading about all these lovely free comics that were being sent out, I only settled for one: Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee’s Captain America/Thor comic

Most of the other free comics looked more like promotional pamphlets than actual comics, but the most appealing thing about this Marvel effort was the idea that you were getting a complete story. This isn’t something that is hyping up the next big mega-saga, it was just a simple little story featuring two of Marvel’s best characters

Focusing the comic around Thor was a good idea with the surprisingly entertaining movie coming out (especially when it somehow needed up opening in New Zealand cinemas last week – a whole seven days before the USA), but it was an even better idea to make it a sweet little addition to the Langridge/Samnee Thor comic, which came to a tragically short end a few months back.

Thor the Mighty Avenger got a lot of love, and while this was not enough to prevent an ignoble end at issue eight, it was enough to show that while it was impossible to catch that sharp brilliance and energy Jack Kirby brought to his creation, there was still a lot to be done with the Thunder God.

This free Captain America/Thor comic isn’t anything startlingly brilliant, it’s the sort of story that would have happily been told at almost any point in the history of the Marvel Universe. But, like the early Langridge/Samnee stuff, it has so much charm and sweetness, it’s impossible to hate.

After all, it’s got Captain America and Thor doing what they do best – taking down the bad guys with a combination of willpower and physical strength, bringing a solid shot of honour and power to the world.

The impact of these free comics on actual sales is still nebulous, but something as simple and lovely as this comic certainly can’t hurt. It’s just a pity that anybody who picks up this comic on a whim can’t find anything more than a couple of collections of these brief eight issues to carry on with. There are certainly plenty of Thor comics to try out, but few that will be as accessible and likable as this little effort.

I might not have tried out many of these free comic books, and may have missed out on some brilliant stuff, but this little comic is worth the price.

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